File: When testing locally, you can specify the file that Snyk should inspect for package information. $ snyk test --file=package.json When ommitted Snyk will try to detect the appropriate file for your project by looking for files in following order: yarn.lock package-lock.json package.json Gemfile Gemfile.lock pom.xml requirements.txt build.gradle build.sbt Gopkg.lock vendor/vendor.json obj/project.assets.json packages.config If more than one file exists it will use the first order-wise. If you wish to specify manually, you can point the --file parameter to force using what you specify, for example: $ snyk test --file=Gemfile When used alongside `--docker`, and passed the appropriate Dockerfile, Snyk will offer more detailed remediation advice for your image: $ snyk test --docker myapp:latest --file=./myapp/Dockerfile